Posted by : MC 20 Ekim 2015 Salı

Novadays, smart home automation is really so popular.Everyone wants to make one for their homes.But the critical question is that : How much know about automation and smart ones :)

In this article we will try to discuss some details about automation and smart home automations which will help you while building your own indeed.

You can see layers in an automations systems above.Now lets start to discuss about each one.

1. HMI Layer :

Many engineers igonres this part,but i think this is the most critical part of the automation and smart home automation as well.

Never forget that you system can be good at as much as user can use.HMI is the user interface that user can interract with the entire system.That's why this part must be simple and easy to use for the users.

Whatever you choose as platform to build an smart home automation,you need to make gui's for multiple platforms (ios,android,pc etc.) and while makning user interface you need to design it simple as much as you can.

One of the mistake is that always engineers do, they always think like and engineer while design process of the user interfaces.But these systems always uses by the end users and we need to think about them too.

2. Netwok Layer:

This layer is human resources department of the our system :)
While design process of your own smart home automation desing you will see there are lots of protocols in automation industry (knx,modbus,bacnet,ethernet/ip etc.).

If you want to maintable and pricable product, you need to support multiple protocols too.Maybe you can start with modbus.So its one of the most common protocol in the industry.

Why we need to support multiple protocols ?

Lets explain this question with an example :
One of the customer wanted to control his or her air conditioner system with you device and maybe your device only can understands its own protocol nothins as well.Most of the air conditioner support bacnet protocol and in this point you need to give a support for this protocol and you device should understand that protocol and put in a action in its way.

This feature makes your device more universal.Also KNX is almost a standart for home automation systems.I dont want to disquss it in here but you can find switches which controls lights and much more actuators and sensors which supports this communication protocol.

3. Com Layer:

This is brain of the smart home automation system.All the senarios will be codded and running in here.In this point the most critical is that choosing right processor for your smart home device.

Control Service : As you noticed from the name this is place where our codes running and our senarios are in the process.

Dynamic Module: This module is a bridge with field devices,processors,HMI device etc. It takes data's in two way (field to processor to hmi / hmi to processor to acutators).If we want to support multiple protocols that we have mentioned before all of the communication packages will be decompiling in here.

Scan Service : Works with dynamic module and scans ever actuators and sensor in the field and takes data.Also responsible to interract with hmi layer.Why ? some of the critical data's or some of the data's which dont need to be get in process in our senarios can be send throuhg actuators directly by passing user data's which come from hmi to the field devices.

Xml Parser : Maybe last but one of the most important part of the our system :)
Never forget that your data's that you have taken from the field are so valuable for you and end user.And novadays clouds are really so popular.Xml is the one of the most common way to present you data's to internet services and also to stock them as well :) Xml parser converts each data according to xml parsing and presensents also parses in another way to send data's to the process to put them into the senarios.

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