Posted by : MC 1 Ekim 2015 Perşembe

This week our new film advice is Who am i

From the beginning to the end this film will affect you indeed.If hardware and software skills are combined together, what will happen ?. This film will give you an answer :)
While watching the film you will find yourself in the middle of the film.

Ok what are the lessons that we take from the film?

Every people has some talents and sometimes it takes time to discover it.In this film a guy  also has discovered his software talent and begins to work with it.This means if you are not happy with your existing job,be sure you have a talent try to discover it.Try and try again and you will find yours :)

Also the film show us a competition between same business area and competition between people who works in the same area.The engineering ethics disqussed in a worse manner and this is really good example how should be engineering ethics in a good manner.

The amazing this was that if soft and hardware skills meets in the same pot, there is no firewalls and freedom begins :) then its up to you how to use it. In ethical way or not.

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